Nowadays, metalworking has become an essential skill set. Most of the blacksmith in the US owns some workshops where they operate their custom metal business fabrication. They regularly use an anvil in forging metals in order to create some pretty and handy things. Therefore, it is good to know what an anvil is used for.
In this guide, you will learn the importance of an anvil in the blacksmithing industry and other sectors for a better understanding of an anvil.
Uses of an anvil
Usually, an anvil comes in handy for multi-purpose use, where most of them contain one or even more specialized portions for custom use by experts in various blacksmithing industries. The following are some of the benefits of anvils
1. Used in blacksmithing
Do you understand who a blacksmith is? Well, a blacksmith is a person who is capable of creating functional pieces of metal for use in various industries and disciplines. Therefore, an anvil consists of a rounded horn, which is useful in the creation of rings, and a flatter face that has very sharp edges used in crafting strong items that require consistent corners.

2. Used in Farrier smithing
Usually, farriers like combining both the knowledge and high skills from specialized smithing such as adapting some metal horseshoes to specific uses, forging some metal horseshoes, and adjusting metal horseshoes to fit horses of different breeds and sizes.
Besides, farriers take the benefits of turning some cams on anvils to enable them to create very sharp radii with fine adjustment for comfortable curvature.

3. Used in Goldsmithing
Like any other smithing activities, Goldsmithing also requires an anvil that has denser metal more packed tightly into some shapes. Besides, goldsmith works even with the rest of metals like tin and pewter, thus named with the products that they forge like knives, arrows and swords.

4. Used in Coppersmithing
Usually, coppersmith is capable of working with hot or cold copper. However, when working with cold, there are some chances of increasing the risk of breaking the entire metal. Due to its softness, most of the smiths use different types of anvils for Coppersmithing as long as it consists of the required surfaces for shaping the end product.
Additionally, pieces of copper that are functional require a blacksmith anvil, although very decorative elements are easy to create using the farrier anvil discussed above.

5. Used in Silversmithing
Under normal circumstances, silver is much far better compared to copper. Therefore, it requires a very heavy-duty anvil made of steel to work with them.

Essential parts of an anvil
For a better understanding of the uses of an anvil above, it is good to have know-how on the various parts of its components, as shown below.
- Horn- This is the far curved front end of an anvil. It plays a very crucial role in allowing the smith for proper hammering various curves on the material they are working on precisely depending on the part they are holding while hammering. Also, some anvils have multiple horns with different sizes and shapes.
- Step- it refers to us a flat area that lies close to the horn below its surface and useful for cutting size by the use of the edge of the step to cut while hammering on it. However, when used frequently, it gets damaged.
- Face- this is the central flat and large slab where hammering takes place mostly. It features a rounded edge that prevents the edge from cutting the metal pounded on its face
- Hardy hole- it is a square hole on the anvil that allows the user to secure different tools of the anvil. The devices may either be chisels, bickerns etc.
Pritchel hole- this is a round hole used in punching holes through the entire metal that you are working on. Besides, you can use it to hold various tools you are handling.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the best anvils made of?
The best anvils usually consist of forged steel since it is a highly durable material. Forging anvils are also referred to as general shop anvils because they have several applications.
How heavy should an anvil be?
Some of the anvils weigh between 75-500 pounds. In general, the heavy an anvil is, the more excellent it becomes for forging work.
What is the main purpose of an anvil?
Most of the time anvil is used as a forging tool. In past, it was used on any heavy metalwork to give a new shape to any metal.
Having gone through this article, I hope you have gotten insightful information on what is an anvil used for. The above uses will enable you to identify the best type of blacksmithing field you can engage while using your anvil. However, it is good to have a proper understanding of all parts of an anvil for appropriate use.